A song in the void Free Download 2023

A song in the void: Introduction: "The Void," also referred to as "Tension" (Russian: Тургор), is a first-person adventure video game developed by the Russian studio Ice-Pick Lodge. It was published in Russia, other CIS countries, and Poland by ND Games on April 17, 2008. The game's distinctiveness earned it the "Most Original Game" award at the Russian Game Developers Conference, KRI, in 2007. The English release followed on October 23, 2009, and later became available as a digital download on Steam on December 16, 2009. In this game, players assume the role of a lost soul trapped within a realm called "the Void," teetering on the brink of absolute death. The Void is a limbo-like space where the most prized resource is Color, a liquid symbolizing lifeforce. However, Color is scarce, leading to a famine that afflicts the Void's inhabitants. These inhabitants are divided into two groups: the exquisitely unclothed Sisters and the grotesquel...